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![]() ![]() ![]() All are welcome but be warned, you Are expected to read this page and follow the Camp rules. Ignorance is no excuse, learning is your responsibility. If you are old enough to come into Gor then you are old enough to be able to understand the rules of Gor along with the camp laws. Remember, when you are at the Main Fire of the camp you are in the heart of a camp of thousands and thousands of Outriders, act accordingly As for visitors only slaves that are new to Camp will be allowed to wear the~o~. Further the ~o~ only signifies that you are in Camp to observe and learn about Gor and Tuchuk. It does not give blanket protection if you come in to create drama. A/all visitors to the camp will be allowed only 3 visits before Y/you are required to join or beg collar to the camp. Of course, if you have questions, then by all means feel free to ask and W/we will do O/our best to answer it for you. However, if you come into Camp and you are NOT new to Gor and your intent is to interfere with the role play or Camp business you will be caged and dealt with accordingly.If you come in with the ~o~ and are not new to Gor but seeking a home, then you are allowed to ask questions about Tuchuk. But remember as long as you wear the ~o~, you must keep in mind that this is not yet your home and you must be sure to act properly as a visitor of Tuchuk. If not new to Gor, and an uncollared slave you must upon entering Camp beg to be allowed to visit. If you are welcomed by the Ubar or a Free then you will be allowed to visit. You must during these visits become familiar with the rules. Eventually you will be queried about taking Camp as home. If the answer is no, then you may or may not be allowed to continue visiting. You may be told to leave and not return until you are ready to beg a collar of Tuchuk. Any RP past greeting will earn you a collar of Tuchuk. Free Women are welcome to visit using Escorts, real or NPC'd. Your tags are to state You are traveling with Escorts and Who You are a Guest of. Free Women will behave while here and wear appropriate clothing [avs]. There should be No OOC/Observer/Lazy Asses or Anonymous in the room. Coming in as an OOC/Observer/Lazy Ass or Anonymous will earn you a boot. Leave Y/your RT where it belongs, out of the Gorean RP home. Runaway slaves: This is NOT a safe haven for runaways. ANY slave that come here that are found to be a runaway will be caged harta and their owners contacted. If their owners fail to come and get them then said slave will become property of The Tuchuk Camp. The time limit for their owners will be 1 Gorean week. (5 earthdays). The runaway will be caged for the first day, and if the slave does NOT game out, then said slave will be chained to the slave wagons. O/ones playing as a M/messenger must have the yellow sash added to their tags. The Messenger must NOT interfere with the Camp. They are to deliver their message and if need be ask for PM, after this they need to leave as a Messenger. If they choose to remain in Camp and start interacting they must remove the yellow sash and take a real name showing their hometags. If a messenger comes into Camp with word of raids or a mark for black then scrolls MUST be shown from the raid party or black along with the reason for said actions. The Messenger MUST ONLY deliver these scrolls to the Ubar or Camp Second. Once Camp is a Kill Zone if an Assassin comes in who has a mark then He/She can ONLY kill if there are at least 4 Free Men in Camp at that time. (Member's Only) This room is based on the "Gor" novels, written by John Norman. There are no magicks, vampires, talking animals, or such present on Gor. This is not Vampire, it is not Fantasy Realms, it is not BDSM |